by Variantic Team| 24.05.2021| Variantic 2.6.3

Publication Tab


The Publication tab is located as third in editor's navigation bar next to the General and Model tabs. It is responsible for how the parameters are displayed in the Player. 

To add the parameter list, click Add button and then click Add parameter. The row shown below will be displayed. The first field will allow you to enter a code, the list next to it  is used to select a general parameter. From the second drop-down list, select the type of parameter description.

The Basics

Number, Text and List - the three options that can be found in the second drop-down list n each row. Here you define which tools will be used to describe the parameter.


There are three different ways to determine value of the parameters:

  1. First one is to specify minimum and maximum values of the interval from which any value can be selected. 
  2. Second one is to specify each of the value that can be chosen and the last one is to specify constant value.

Whenever more than one possible value to choose from is given, specify the default value by taking it in round brackets


Drop down lists can be easily created and used for multiple models. On the left side of the publication tab you will find all lists that have ever been created by system users. If you want to add more, use Add option. Parameter value must be specified in the first column. Then in the column beside add the description of the value. 

In order to choose already created list, change the type from “Number” to “List” and select it from the drop down list. 


Use this option if you want to add a note or short information. Change the type from “Number” to “Text” and enter a note in the field beside. You can click the chain on the right if you don't want to link it to any parameter.

Whichever option you choose, you can add a description for each of the configured parameters in the last field of the line.

Events and Advanced options

In every row you can find buttons : Events and Advanced. The first one allow you to connect the arrow with dimension (created in the Editor) with the corresponding parameter. It means that the dimension will be visible on the model only when the cursor is positioned close to this parameter.

This same function is located at the top of each section. The principles of operation is this same, but the function call area includes all parameter located in the group.

Function Advanced works in two way. It depends on how the range of values is defined. Each time it allows you to change the displayed unit or use the Show If function. Additionally, if the values are listed (separated by a comma) it will be possible to hide and show individual values depending on the helperParameter.

How does it work? At first you need to have the helperParameter on the basis of which further dependences will be created. In other words you need the custom parameter form the Editor to serve as helper Parameter.

In this case parameter that was created in general tab cannot be used. If you want to display or hide values depending on the height or width (which are changed based on the main parameters), pass their values to the custom Parameters. 

Add the name of the parameter in the first column, then determine the type of correlation (>=, <=,=) and specify the boundary value.

The Show If function allows to hide or show items if the given condition is met. In other words, if the parameter with code “code_3” has the value 1, you can show or hide different choosen parameter. The condition can be various. You can use =, !=, >=,<= signs. In order to accept created equation click the chain button. 

As with the previous option, Advanced button is also located at the top of each section. It allows you to show or hide entire section depending on the chosen parameter. 

Dynamic intervals

Dynamic interval can be used when the boundary values are not strictly defined but change as other dimensions change. For instance, when the divider cannot be positioned closer than 300mm from the right side panel and from the left side panel of the cabinet. In this case, the boundary values are determined by custom parameters whose values are related to the corresponding general parameter. 

How to organise parameters in Publicaton tab?

To compose the Publication tab, which has an impact on the visual side of the Player layout, option presented below can be used. Additionally, there are tools that help you to work with a significant number of parameters in lists. When the list is ready, try to use the collapse parameters option. Only the header of the group and short summary will be visible. Whenever you need these parameters, you can easily see them by clicking the same button once again.

At the top of every list there are options like: enable/disable visibility, move down, move up ore delete. Each line can be moved to different section or position by clicking last button on the right. Enable/disable visibility button is also located at the begging of each line and applies only to the parameter it contains.